“EVTA: Earn Value Technique Analysis”: Sistema de control de coste basado en el valor aportado al avance del proyecto. Descripción de los Términos e interpretación de Earned Value Management 1. PV (BCWS) Planned Value: estimated value of the workplanned to be done. 2. EV (BCWP) Earned Value: estimated value of the work accomplished. 3. AC (ACWP) Actual Cost: actual cost incurred. 4. BAC Budget at Completion: How much did you BUDGET for the TOTAL JOB? 5. EAC Estimate at Completion: current expected cost of the TOTAL project. 6. ETC Estimate to Complete: From this point on, how much MORE do we expect it to cost to finish the job? 7. VAC Variance at Completion: How much over or under budget do we expect to be?
Fórmulas: 1. Cost Variance (CV) EV – AC NEGATIVE is over budget, POSITIVE is under budget 2. Schedule Variance (SV) EV – PV NEGATIVE is behind schedule, POSITIVE is ahead of schedule 3. Cost Performance Index (CPI) EV / AC I am [only] getting _____ cents out of every $1. 4. Schedule Performance Index (SPI) EV / PV I am [only] progressing at ___% of the rate originally planned. 5. Estimate At Completion (EAC) Note: There are many ways to calculate EAC. 1. BAC / CPI • Used if no variances from the BAC have occurred 2. AC + ETC • Actual plus a new estimate forremaining work. Used when original estimate was fundamentally flawed.
inicio KAIZEN LEAN management POKA-YOKE ISHIKAWA A.M.F.E J.I.T. REFA SEIS PASOS KVP2 EFQM SMED BENCHMARKING DELPHI ... EVTA PMI TRIZ Den Hertog BIM Análisis Sistemático Concurrentengineering TQC avancrea vmA++
“EVTA: Earn Value Technique Analysis”: Sistema de control de coste basado en el valor aportado al avance del proyecto. Descripción de los Términos e interpretación de Earned Value Management 1. PV (BCWS) Planned Value: estimated value of the workplanned to be done. 2. EV (BCWP) Earned Value: estimated value of the work accomplished. 3. AC (ACWP) Actual Cost: actual cost incurred. 4. BAC Budget at Completion: How much did you BUDGET for the TOTAL JOB? 5. EAC Estimate at Completion: current expected cost of the TOTAL project. 6. ETC Estimate to Complete: From this point on, how much MORE do we expect it to cost to finish the job? 7. VAC Variance at Completion: How much over or under budget do we expect to be?
Fórmulas: 1. Cost Variance (CV) EV – AC NEGATIVE is over budget, POSITIVE is under budget 2. Schedule Variance (SV) EV – PV NEGATIVE is behind schedule, POSITIVE is ahead of schedule 3. Cost Performance Index (CPI) EV / AC I am [only] getting _____ cents out of every $1. 4. Schedule Performance Index (SPI) EV / PV I am [only] progressing at ___% of the rate originally planned. 5. Estimate At Completion (EAC) Note: There are many ways to calculate EAC. 1. BAC / CPI • Used if no variances from the BAC have occurred 2. AC + ETC • Actual plus a new estimate forremaining work. Used when original estimate was fundamentally flawed.
inicio KAIZEN LEAN management POKA-YOKE ISHIKAWA A.M.F.E J.I.T. REFA SEIS PASOS KVP2 EFQM SMED BENCHMARKING DELPHI ... EVTA PMI TRIZ Den Hertog BIM Análisis Sistemático Concurrentengineering TQC
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